From Our Mirema International British Curriculum desk

We have come to the end of the year and we uplift the name of the Lord for seeing us thus far. The children have had their academic program move on uninterrupted. We are especially proud of our Cambridge Checkpoint 2017 candidates for the exemplary performance. Well Done Candidates!


This year we have focused on leadership. Every child has been encouraged to take up leadership roles both in the classroom and outside the classroom. We are proud of the level of discipline and responsibility our children have shown even when faced with challenging situations.


There has been mutual engagement between our children and their able and loving teachers. Besides class work our children have been involved in a number of projects which they have enjoyed, they have been adventurous and inquisitive and this has been highly encouraged.


As we get into the Festive season, kindly ensure that they do not forget the academic work so that they don’t get rusty. See to it that they complete their homework.


We took note of the concerns that were raised during the ‘Meet and Greet’ evening. Rest assured that we will effect the changes and continue to deliver above par learning experiences to our children in the M.I.B.C school.


We value your contributions and welcome more of the constructive feedback in the future, as the tripartite that is the child, parents and teachers cannot function well if either part is not fully involved. We wish you a great time with your child over the holidays.


Merry Christmas and a prosperous time ahead.

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